Friday, February 22, 2013

Stitches West Day 2

Stitches officially opened to the public today with tons of knitters rolling through the vendor hall like kittens after balls of yarn.

As vendors, we get in the vendor hall 2 hours before the public to tidy up our booths and restock but of course we shop. I found a really cool new toy at the Clemes & Clemes booth. They make really beautiful, high precision spinning wheels and equipment and came out with a blending board for making batts and rolags. I don't spin but I do felt and this little board makes perfect little batts for pre-felts which lead me to do one of my very favorite things - "Hotel Bathroom Felting".

Remember this is a dark bathroom so the photos aren't premium but you will get the idea. We made the batt in the Clemes & Clemes booth, I will get photos from them tomorrow. The batt is RedFish 50/50 silk and superfine merino and it's now in the bath tub and I have wet it with dish soap and warm water.

The batt has been pre-felted using a fiberglass screen until it holds together nicely.

Now I roll it using bubble wrap. I have moved from the tub to the sink area.

Next is the wadding up and throwing it into the sink to get it as hard as I want it.

Kitchen sink with lemon water.

Little soak and a clear water rinse.

Squeezed out in a towel.

Hung to dry.

Tomorrow I will take it back to Clemes & Clemes to show them what their new little toy helped to produce.

Just to let you know, I don't always carry screening and bubble wrap in my suitcase but it just happened that my friend Lisa took a felting class today and let me borrow her stuff. Thanks Lisa.

No hotel bathroom was destroyed during this project.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Location:Santa Clara, CA

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